Northern Light Automatic


Northern Light Automatic


Mostly Indica

Northern Light Automatic


Mostly Indica

Northern Light is one of the best-known strains of cannabis in the world. It’s a mostly Indica strain bred in the 1970s in the USA from Afghani genetics. In the 1980s, the plant came to Holland. It soon becomes the standard for indoor growing. Over the last few years, there have been many changes in growing and breeding techniques. Our Northern Light Automatic is a perfect mix of new and old. Now this strain is both auto-flowering and feminized. Northern Light Automatic is great for growing indoors but can also be grown outdoors in most climates. The plant starts growing and producing flowers almost immediately and is ready for harvest in only 9 to 10 weeks from planting the seeds. Northern Light Automatic gives a generous harvest and might be one of the highest-yielding auto-flowering strains available. Growing to a height of around 90-120 cm, it is quite a large plant for an auto-flowering variety, but this is matched in its yield. Outdoors in Spain, some plants have produced up to 200 g, though around 90 g is the average in good conditions indoors. Much like the original Northern Lights, our Northern Lights Automatic has a nice, sweet taste and a comfortable physical effect. It’s the same classic strain, just with an auto-flowering twist. Which also makes it a great plant for medical users.

Weight 0.01 kg

Cerebral and uplifting

Flowering Time

5-7 weeks


Northern Light x Ruderalis



THC Content

Medium – 14%



Flowering Time Guide

Flowering Type


Height Guide

Seed Bank

Royal Queen Seeds

THC Guide


Yield Guide

Pack Size

1 Seed, 3 Seeds, 5 Seeds, 10 Seeds


Northern Light is one of the best-known strains of cannabis in the world. It’s a mostly Indica strain bred in the 1970s in the USA from Afghani genetics. In the 1980s, the plant came to Holland. It soon becomes the standard for indoor growing. Over the last few years, there have been many changes in growing and breeding techniques. Our Northern Light Automatic is a perfect mix of new and old. Now this strain is both auto-flowering and feminized. Northern Light Automatic is great for growing indoors but can also be grown outdoors in most climates. The plant starts growing and producing flowers almost immediately and is ready for harvest in only 9 to 10 weeks from planting the seeds. Northern Light Automatic gives a generous harvest and might be one of the highest-yielding auto-flowering strains available. Growing to a height of around 90-120 cm, it is quite a large plant for an auto-flowering variety, but this is matched in its yield. Outdoors in Spain, some plants have produced up to 200 g, though around 90 g is the average in good conditions indoors. Much like the original Northern Lights, our Northern Lights Automatic has a nice, sweet taste and a comfortable physical effect. It’s the same classic strain, just with an auto-flowering twist. Which also makes it a great plant for medical users.

Weight 0.01 kg

Cerebral and uplifting

Flowering Time

5-7 weeks


Northern Light x Ruderalis



THC Content

Medium – 14%



Flowering Time Guide

Flowering Type


Height Guide

Seed Bank

Royal Queen Seeds

THC Guide


Yield Guide

Pack Size

1 Seed, 3 Seeds, 5 Seeds, 10 Seeds



Northern Light is one of the best-known strains of cannabis in the world. It’s a mostly Indica strain bred in the 1970s in the USA from Afghani genetics. In the 1980s, the plant came to Holland. It soon becomes the standard for indoor growing. Over the last few years, there have been many changes in growing and breeding techniques. Our Northern Light Automatic is a perfect mix of new and old. Now this strain is both auto-flowering and feminized. Northern Light Automatic is great for growing indoors but can also be grown outdoors in most climates. The plant starts growing and producing flowers almost immediately and is ready for harvest in only 9 to 10 weeks from planting the seeds. Northern Light Automatic gives a generous harvest and might be one of the highest-yielding auto-flowering strains available. Growing to a height of around 90-120 cm, it is quite a large plant for an auto-flowering variety, but this is matched in its yield. Outdoors in Spain, some plants have produced up to 200 g, though around 90 g is the average in good conditions indoors. Much like the original Northern Lights, our Northern Lights Automatic has a nice, sweet taste and a comfortable physical effect. It’s the same classic strain, just with an auto-flowering twist. Which also makes it a great plant for medical users.

Additional information

Weight 0.01 kg

Cerebral and uplifting

Flowering Time

5-7 weeks


Northern Light x Ruderalis



THC Content

Medium – 14%



Flowering Time Guide

Flowering Type


Height Guide

Seed Bank

Royal Queen Seeds

THC Guide


Yield Guide

Pack Size

1 Seed, 3 Seeds, 5 Seeds, 10 Seeds

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